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Baby Massage Classes

Baby massage classes in Brighton

Baby massage can make a real difference in the early months of parenthood.  Instead of struggling through various complications such as colic, teething, sleeplessness and emotional stress.  Parents can learn techniques which can help soothe these conditions. Baby massage also enhances and promotes the emotional bond between parent and child.

In many cultures massage is a normal every day activity. We need to encourage our children to maximise positive touch. By introducing massage at an early age, touch and nurturing will become a part of their lives.

Everyone needs tactile stimulation to grow; research shows that infant mammals that are not stroked, held or cuddled are less likely to thrive.

The from the seed baby massage course is suitable for babies from new-born to crawling.  Parents or carers will learn through both demonstration and practical application a full body massage.

baby massage clases in brighton - baby with mothers hands on chest

benefits of baby massage

Book a Baby Massage Course

One-to-one baby massage course - three weeks


Taking place over three weeks, this is a private one-to-one course held by Jo Kellett.  The price includes a discount voucher for an aromatherapy massage for you once the course is finished.

the little book of baby massage – by jo kellett

Easy massage routines to soothe your baby and communicate love.

To a baby, touch is talk, and with these soothing techniques, you and your child can share some of your most fulfilling communicative moments.

Calm and comfort your baby from head to toe with a step-by-step full-body massage; discover ways to incorporate massage into your baby’s day-to-day routine; and ease common ailments such as colic, teething, and constipation.

With expert guidance from me, a Certified Infant Massage Instructor, you can explore the physical and emotional benefits of baby massage and enjoy this most intimate way to relax, soothe, and nurture.

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Other Massages


from the seed blog

Thoughts and findings from the world of aromatherapy and massage.

get in touch

I am happy to answer any questions or have a chat prior to you making a booking, just get in touch.