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Don’t wait till your last trimester to experience the benefits of massage during your pregnancy.

In my previous blog I talked about making you feel comfortable for a pregnancy massage, here I explain what the benefits are of a pregnancy massage for you and your baby!
The effects of massage are accumulative so by finding a practitioner early on in your pregnancy you can also have the added benefit of building a rapport with your therapist who can then help you through each stage of your magical pregnancy journey. I offer evening appointments so you could always come after work in your first and second trimesters.
massage during pregnancy

So what are the benefits of massage and how can they help you at this time?

Massage can

  • Relieve aching joints – wonderful for lower back ache as the baby grows and places pressure on your pelvis
  • Aid sleep and relaxation – as your pregnancy progresses you may find it hard to get comfortable at night
  • Encourage an awareness of your body – this is particularly wonderful for pregnancy as your body shape changes and develops
  • Give you a chance to connect with your baby – just spending an hour every 2-4 weeks having a massage will give you a chance to focus on your baby
  • Encourage deep regular breathing – breath is everything, it can help you feel less tense, minimise pain in labour and aid restful sleep
  • Boost the immune system – keep coughs, colds and mild infections at bay during your pregnancy
  • Stimulate your circulation – great for varicose veins
  • Encourage Lymphatic drainage– really helpful if you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome or have swollen ankles

You might be wondering how you can have a massage whilst pregnant.  After only 4-8 weeks you may not be able to lie comfortably on you front. Your therapist should place you in a ‘side-lying’ position with support from bolsters and pillows to aid your comfort. A full consultation should be taken at the start of your treatments to ascertain your medical history, to see how your pregnancy is progressing and to find out your expectations of the treatment. Please see my previous blog for a comprehensive explanation of side lying massage whilst pregnant.

Don’t consider massage as a luxury, it really will enhance your experience of your pregnancy.

And as I am an Aromatherapist you will truly benefit from the addition of essential oils. I will cover this topic in my next post!
If you have any question or want to book a pregnancy massage please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Day and evening appointments are available. You can even purchase a voucher, valid for 3 months, for an extra special gift.
I look forward to hearing from you.